JUMP TOHelpdeskauthAuthenticate a userpostAuthenticates a user using a one-time pinpostRegister a new userpostRequest Password ResetpostReset Password using TokenpostUpdate User Password Using Reset TokenputRequest a Password Reset Tokenpostresends a registration tokenputTest if a token is validgetschemaGet Supported Authentication Schema PropertiesgetGet Customer SchemagetinviteGet Authentication Invitation DetailsgetRegister Using InvitationpostAssociate an Invitation Link with an Existing Loginputauth_legacyreturns the schema of supports propertiesgetRegisterpostLoginpostAccountless LoginpostResend VerifypostVerify Accountputcheck is a token is validgetReset PasswordpostForgotten PasswordpostGet ProfilegetUpdate ProfileputappointmentGet AppointmentsgetAdd AppointmentspostDelete AppointmentdeletecoreGet customer account referencesgetGet the balance for a specified account.getGet the benefits indicator for a specified user.getGet the full benefits calculation for a specified user.getGet a list of customer's saved cards.getGet a list of customer's direct debit details.getGet payment plans associated with an account reference.getGet a list of payments.getGet transactions for a specified account.getGet the schema of supported properties.getGet PropertygetAdd PropertypostUpdate PropertyputcustomerGet customer profilesgetLink new AccountpostVerify LoginpostdocumentsGet DocumentsgetUpload DocumentpostGet Account DocumentsgetGet account documents by FCAIDgetGet Document w/ UUIDgetDelete Document w/ UUIDdeletepaymentsSave 3Ds CardpostChallenge 3Ds CardpostStart Apple Pay sessionpostGoogle Pay Gateway Merchant IDgetCreate Direct DebitpostStart Open Banking FlowpostLookup bank detailspostGet Direct Debit MerchantgetCreate 3DS Card Payment PlanpostChallenge 3DSv2 CardpostDirect Debit Payment PlanpostCreate Apple Pay Payment PlanpostCreate Google Pay Payment PlanpostGoogle Pay Challenge FlowpostGet payment information from tokengetwebsockets3DS Authenticationpost3DS ChallengepostpostcodeGet PostcodegetofferMake an offerpostflowget proeprty flowgetsave data via flowpostCore APIcrmRead CRM DatagetCreate CRM DatapostUpdate CRM DataputDelete CRM DatadeleteschemasGet SchemasgetGet Supported PropertiesgetcustomerCreate CustomerpostDelete CustomerdeleteCreate AccountpostDelete AccountdeleteeventsGet Eventget/heartbeatcheck server is upget/versionget api versiongetPayments APIHealthHeartbeatgetArrangementsCreate V1 ArrangementpostCancel V1 ArrangementputCard V2Tokenise CardpostGet CardsgetRemove a CarddeleteDirect DebitCreate Direct DebitpostCancel Direct DebitdeletePayment PlanSingle PaymentpostTopup PaymentpostSettlement PaymentpostWeekly PaymentpostMonthly (Date) PaymentpostMonthly (Day) PaymentpostFirst/ Last Working Day PaymentpostUpdate Payment PlanputCancel Payment PlandeleteCard V1Get CardsgetTokenise CardpostDelete CarddeleteDashboardsDashboard entry operationsCreate a dashboard entrypostSearch dashboard entriespostGet dashboard entrygetDelete dashboard entrydeleteAssign agents to a dashboard entrypostAssign dashboard entry to a customerpostRemove dashboard entry from dashboardspostUnassign agents from dashboard entrypostadds attachmentpostremoves attachment from an entrypostdownloads attachmentpostsearch by referencepostSearch Entries for specified agentpostSearch Entries by FCCIDpostSearch Entries for current agentpostDashboard operationsReturn a list of dashboardsgetCreate a new dashboardpostUpdate dashboardputDelete dashboarddeleteGet a dashboardgetGet dashboard statsgetUpdate the status of a dashboard entryputUpdate the dueDate of a dashboard entryputAdd comment to dashboard itempostAdd entry to additional dashboardspostDocumentsupload_documentUpload Documentpostget_documentsGet available documents for a FCCIDgetUUIDDownload documentgetDelete documentdeleteupdate Document informationputCommunicationsstatusreturns 200 if the API is able to retrieve datagetcommunicationThis route will send a single communication to a customerpostsends bulk communications targeting segmentspostsends bulk communication based on status and reasonpostsends bulk commination from an uploaded fileposttemplatesreturns email template meta datagetreturns the full email templategetupdates an email templateputreturns sms template meta datagetreturns sms templategetreturns letter template meta datagetreturns full letter templategetattachmentUpload an attachment to be used as an template attachmentpostUpdate an attachmentputDelete an attachment and remove it from all templatesdeleteGet full attachment datagetGet all attachmentsgetGenerate a signed url to download an attachmentgetPowered by Update the dueDate of a dashboard entryput http://localhost:8080/{dashboardUUID}/{dashboardEntryUUID}/dueDateUpdate the current dueDate of the dashboard entry to the one provided